How can we act responsibly toward discomfitting Church experiences? Necessary, though uneasy, alliances exist between institutions and individuals. The underlying tension is fundamental: A central purpose of mortality is to allow individual growth through the exercise of free agency. A central purpose of institutions generally is to maintain themselves with a minimum of disorder. Individual free...
Who Is My Neighbor?
(appeared in BYU’s Kennedy Center Bridges Alumni Magazine) A MIDDLE EAST ODYSSEY by J. Bonner Ritchie, emeritus professor of organizational behavior, Brigham Young University Ancient and modern prophets have repeatedly reminded us of the sacred responsibility we have toward each other. The opportunity and obligation to serve our neighbors is codified in the great commandment, second only to...
Leadership in a Global Context
Appeared here: Scholars and organizational participants have regarded leadership as the most important, most studied, and least understood variable in the complex world of organizational dynamics in business, government, religion, military, education, family, or voluntary organizations. Considering the pervasive role of leadership, the increasing visibility and public scrutiny of leaders, the...
Leveraging Travel as a Tool for Global Leadership Development
written with Gary Oddou, Mark E. Mendenhall First published: 25 August 2000 Short-term business travel is an underutilized method for developing some of the skills that are necessary to be a global leader. International business travel can place executives in situations where they can develop global mindsets; however, most executives cocoon themselves during international trips and wind up...
Leadership Attitudes Among Union Officials
written with Raymond E. Miles
Mainland Manufacturing: Bridging the Cultural Gap
Appeared in EXCHANGE, The Journal of The Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, Spring 1990 Written with John C. Beck, Martha Nibley Beck & Fannie Tsui In the late 1970s and early 1980s,when China began to loosen the xenophobic economic policies of the Cultural Revolution, most businessmen in the developed world responded ecstatically. Here was the biggest nation in the...
For the Power Is in Them: Leading Through Shared Leadership
written with Mark E. Mendenhall as a chapter in the book Joseph & Hyrum: Leading as One The Prophet Joseph Smith held up Zion to the Latter-day Saints as a perfected and celestial organization marked by the unity of its members. We each covenant to build up Zion, that individual and communal condition where everyone is of “one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18), but often we are unsure how to...
‘They Were of One Heart and One Mind’: Councils in Zion, Zion in Councils
written with Mark E. Mendenhall as a chapter in the book Joseph & Hyrum: Leading as One The Prophet Joseph Smith held up Zion to the Latter-day Saints as a perfected and celestial organization marked by the unity of its members. We each covenant to build up Zion, that individual and communal condition where everyone is of “one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18), but often we are unsure how to...